Canon i-SENSYS MF6680dn E197 0 Error Code


Canon i-SENSYS MF6680dn E197 0 Error Code Instructions

Below you will find the service manual information for the Canon i-SENSYS MF6680dn E197 0 Error Code along with additional details to explain what can cause the problem and followed by solutions that might help you fix it. If I have additional information from past experiences I will try to add it. 

Canon i-SENSYS MF6680dn E197 0 Error Code

Service Manual Instructions for the Canon i-SENSYS MF6680dn E197 0 Error Code

E197 0
Description :
E197 0 Printer engine communication error
Causes :
Erroneous communication between the Engine controller PCB and Main Controller Board was detected.

Solutions :
Check the connectors of the Engine controller PCB and Main Controller Board.
Replace the Engine controller PCB for normal connection.
Replace the Main Controller Board.

Remember, not every error is exactly identical. What corrects the condition one occasion might not get rid of it the next occasion. While the advice in this page originates from the service manual and in most cases should get your device up and running, now and again additional circumstances may be in play.

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