Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Troubleshooting


Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Troubleshooting

Further down you will discover advice for the Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Obstacle. That is certainly among the most common situations you’ll see with these systems if you utilize these products for substantial scanning. Just below I am going to briefly talk about this condition, you will find illustrations that demonstrate you ways to take out the equipment, and hyper-links to order the replacement parts.

On some older products it can be almost impossible to find out how many pages have been feed within the document feeder. Although, on more sophisticated designs, you may get it in the System Setup, Maintenance, Supply Life menu structure.

Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Troubleshooting

The separation pads are only rated around 20,000 sheets of paper. That’s not a whole lot for modern day scanning. Also, its far less than the 50,000 to 80,000 life of the feed rollers. Therefore, you might have to replace them more often than the feed rollers and they should always be replaced when replacing the feed rollers.

Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Troubleshooting

1. Primarily, the multi feeding issues begins with intermittent feeding of a few pages at a time.This could lead to document jam messages and unaccounted for or chopped off content in faxes or scans. If you decide to overlook it for some time, it can result in whole entire stacks of pages feeding thru all at once.

2. Truth be told there seriously isn’t a lot that you can do. One could take an emery board to it or wash it off together with water but it’ll return very soon. For that reason, once you recognize this start to crop up, it’s ideal just to replace it and move on. It’s not really worth the struggle. Just like any many other rubber, when it gets to be worn out it will probably have a shine on it in the location of the feed tire and definitely will feel slick.

3. Change out the separation pad and possibly, the pick-up assembly, according to on what the feed rollers appear to be.

See the illustration above to see how to replace the pick up assembly and separation pad

Click on the link below to order in your Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Roller and Separation Pad Replacement Parts to help fix or troubleshoot your Samsung SCX-4826FN ADF Multiple Feeding Troubleshooting

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Last updated on March 31, 2024 10:18 pm

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